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Case study

CASE STUDY: How did H2BASE stand up to powering the entire stage at Rock for People 2021?

This year is crucial for DEVINN. In June, our H2BASE hydrogen generator powered the backdrop of the Festival of Architecture and a few weeks later helped power the tornado-hit areas of Moravia. Little did we know that in July we would be working with a giant among Czech music festivals - Rock for People.

This year is crucial for DEVINN. In June, our H2BASE hydrogen generator powered the backdrop of the Festival of Architecture and a few weeks later helped power the tornado-hit areas of Moravia. Little did we know that in July we would be working with a giant among Czech music festivals - Rock for People.

The team of the established Czech music festival Rock for People solved this very problem. This year's festival had a strong focus on sustainability and environmental issues, and Rock for People festival director Michal Thomes was looking for a direction to take.

Hydrogen: the fuel of the future

And that's how he came across hydrogen and our generator. "Hydrogen as a fuel has a number of amazing properties - apart from its absolute emission-free nature, it is also highly renewable. So to have a device that works like a classic power plant, but with distilled water instead of smoke, is very interesting for us," says Michal Thomes."We are thrilled that the DEVINN team decided to put H2BASE into official operation at Rock for People Hope. This opens a whole new chapter for our festival and other music, cultural and social events. After all, the approach of festivals to renewable energies and other climate measures is being addressed by more and more band managements. They oftenmake decisions based on these aspects," adds the festival director. And there are many bands that are increasingly addressing the carbon footprint of festivals. Probably the most famous case is the UK's Coldplay.

H2BASE has fully replaced the diesel power unit

Powering something as large as a stage at a music festival was the most complex task we and our H2BASE hydrogen generator have faced yet. "We had to prepare for a relatively large load, but also for the current peaks that are typical of audiovisual technology. Moreover, the event was a two-day event, so we had to have two other industrial bundles brought in in addition to the hydrogen in one of our modules." explains Karel Souček, head of development at DEVINN."But everything went as it should, despite minor technical complications, H2BASE managed to support the entire stage in terms of sound and light. Moreover, this event was a great experience for us and H2BASE, which took us a few steps further." H2BASE attracted many visitors at the festival including the professional public and many journalists due to its striking visuals. The interest of more than 40 representatives from the city, the region, as well as cultural or business entities was a great success. And satisfaction is also felt on the festival side: "We like to call H2BASE the "non-musical headliner" of this year's Rock for People. It was the world premiere of using a fuel cell as a source of electricity at a music festival. In cooperation with DEVINN we have shown in practice that hydrogen can be a usable, emission-free source of electricity also in the field of cultural events," said the festival director.

What else?

Our cooperation with this year's Rock for People is definitely not over. "For us, this year's engagement of H2BASE is just the beginning of the journey, we would like to produce our own hydrogen in the future using renewable resources, because their potential in our Festival Park is great," Anna Mašátová, media representative of the festival, told HROT."We also see huge potential in DEVINN in cooperation with Michal Thomes. Cultural events in particular are ideal for H2BASE, and the appetite for pushing the hydrogen infrastructure further and further is great in Mr. Thomes, as it is in us. We look forward to seeing what we can come up with together in the future," says Luboš Hajský, CEO of DEVINN.

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